April 03, 2015

A Major Transportation Problem That Doesn't Get Enough Attention

The news of a semi truck full of cheese being stolen in Central Florida has sparked a discussion here at FreightCenter. We began discussing different stories of trucks being stolen from over the years. It became comical and disheartening to remember all of the different items that were stolen. It then became mind boggling when the total value of the items were calculated and we realized just how much money was lost every time a truck hauling freight disappears.

A quick search and we discovered that a large number of trucks are being stolen in Florida, particularly the Central Florida region. We have gathered some of the more interesting ones in hopes of bringing to light a problem that isn't commonly thought about. When people think of products being stolen, most people would assume that it would be electronics. Sadly this doesn't seem to be the case. Here in Florida the most popular items seem to be food, though nothing is safe, including exercise equipment. 

The impact of these stolen truckloads reaches further than people initially realize. When trucks are stolen, the initial impact of the those products not reaching their intended destination is the most stinging. Shelves are empty and stores cannot supply their customer's demands. This results in lost profits for the stores expecting that stolen product. Over time this loss starts to build, and product prices go up, compensating for the expected loss. Ultimately this results in increased costs for the customer. 

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